
Editor of this website
Pyrotronix GmbH
Kurhessenstr. 140
60431 Frankfurt

phone: +49 69 977 676 55
fax: +49 69 977 676 54
European VAT- No. DE202939639
Commercial Registry No. HRB 101981, Local Court Frankfurt am Main

Responsible for the content of this website (§55Abs.2RSTV):
Annette Engelhard

The information contained on this website are carefully maintained and checked by PYROTRONIX GmbH. Nevertheless, no liability is accepted for the completeness, accuracy and timeliness of the information.

The texts, images, graphics, logos contained on this website and the layout of the web pages are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. The use and exploitation of content or complete web pages is permitted only with explicit and written consent of Pyrotronix GmbH.

For third-party content of other providers, which is referred to in this offer by a hyperlink, the respective provider is responsible. In this context, PYROTRONIX points out that third-party content is subject to a legal review upon initial linking. However, a constant control of the linked content is neither required by law still possible in fact. If PYROTRONIX receives knowledge of foreign, unlawful content, the relevant links within the scope of the technically reasonable will be removed immediately from this offer.

Data protection
If you send us inquiries by means of a contact form, your information from the inquiry form, including the contact details given there, will be stored by us for the purpose of processing the inquiry and for the case of connection questions. We do not pass on this data without your consent.
More information about our privacy policy

Rechtliche Hinweise für Anwälte

Zur Vermeidung unnötiger Rechtsstreite und Kosten bitten wir darum, uns bereits im Vorfeld zu kontaktieren. Im Falle von wettbewerbs­rechtlichen oder ähnlichen Problemen werden zu Recht beanstandete Inhalte unverzüglich geändert, ohne dass die Einschaltung eines Rechtsbeistandes erforderlich würde. Die Kostennote einer anwaltlichen Abmahnung ohne vorhergehende Kontaktaufnahme mit uns wird im Sinne der Schadensminderungspflicht grundsätzlich als unbegründet zurückgewiesen. Rechtsmissbräuchliche Abmahnungen werden wir straf- wie auch zivilrechtlich verfolgen lassen.